Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Muslims In America: When Bullying Meets Religion

Bullying stems from the lack of knowledge one has towards another. This is especially common with people who have a different religion, race, social class, etc. Usually, you find bullying in schools and it is a school's authority to stop that problem. However, when a school administrator does not help the situation or fuels these discriminatory acts, then we have a problem. Anti-Islamic sentiment has spread due to the 9/11 tragedy. What sets apart Muslims from the others is that they are more conservative, and have different ideals from the dominant Christian group living here in America. When people think of Islam, they view a whole different group of people. Many assume that just because they have a distinct religious practice that they are not like us. When really, underneath the headscarves and clothing, they are just like us. You couldn't even tell if a person you encounter in the streets is Muslim unless they mention it. 

Holcomb, Sabrina. "Muslims In America: When Bullying Meets Religion." NEA. National Education Association, n.d. Web. 25 Sept. 2012. 

Muslims in America

They are just people.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

You. Must. Vote.

Just a simple video to end the day. The Vlog Brothers always makes lessons interesting.

Romney's 47%

Singapore aims to capture its history, 'messiness' and all

This year marks the 50th Birthday of Singapore. This article does not pertain to any issues in the United States but it surely caught my attention on a personal level. I used to reside in Singapore for about 3 years. I was very young but the memories in that country is still clear. I remember Singapore was the most peaceful and cleanest place that I have ever lived on. The people were civilized and the neighborhoods were as safe as it could be. I remembered on the 38th Birthday of Singapore, they were broadcasting the fireworks and airplanes flying over the national stadium. The country was so small that I could even witness the fireworks and the airplanes from my apartment window. It was a magical time for the young nation. The people of Singapore were predominantly Chinese but it also had a blend of different religions and cultures: Muslims, Hindus, Filipinos, Malaysians, Indians, Christians, etc. Everyone worked together and shared the diversity. In fact, I did not experience racism until I got to the US. The nation was the closest ever to a Utopian society.

Sunni Islam leader calls for peace, urges Muslims to have 'patience and wisdom'

It is crazy how one man's ignorance has fueled controversy all over the Middle East. But it is a relief to know that Egypt's Grand Mufti, has called his people for "peace and wisdom." It was also interesting how Egypt also had Christians coexisting with Muslims and the leader promised that both religions will coexist peacefully despite the turmoil. What concerns me is that with all of these chaos happening in the Middle East, how come the US is not taking the initiative to do something about this? Why hasn't Youtube removed the video? If US wants to develop peaceful relations with the Islamic nations, how come the government is not taking any responsibility? 
"If America (does) not have any concern with this film then why (is) their government not taking any action against this act? Why there is no law (to) protect the religious (beliefs) of Muslims?" read a Facebook post by someone identified as Numra Sheikh.

How America's Newspapers Covered the '47%' Controversy

This shows how biased and liberal many American Newspapers are. Or they are mostly satirical

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Why We Should Be Arguing More Over the Constitution


This interesting piece about the Constitution highlights what we often neglect about our nation's government. Our nation's backbone is the US Constitution and with all the hype about the election, foreign and domestic policies and political parties, we seem to refer back to the framers who built this nation less and less.

“the Constitution isn’t a document; it’s an argument.”

No matter what ideas or rules these framers have laid out, there would always be an opposing view. Hence the rise of the Federalist and the Anti-Federalists. Those who argued for a strong centralized government and those who favor a smaller alternative. 

"What’s government for? Two and a quarter centuries later, that question still 
demands a citizenry literate in civics. If we want to honor the Constitution truly, 
we should fight over it like Framers."

The Movie that Sparked the Embassy Attacks

Interactive Timeline of Clashes in the Middle East: http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2012/09/13/interactive-timeline-of-clashes-in-the-middle-east.html

Niall Ferguson: Obama's Mideast Meltdown


The issues concerning the Middle East has been an ongoing conflict for decades. Resentment has grown
towards the United States. Increased disapproval ratings of the US presidents has gone out of control. Everyday, there is a different reason to spark hatred towards the United States. Not even Obama could fix this. Egypt was once America's friendly ally and now, tension between the two countries has risen. Obama's act of removing troops in Iraq proved to be a bad idea since civilians have lost their own protection. 

Ferguson, Niall. "Niall Ferguson: Obama's Mideast Meltdown." The Daily Beast. Newsweek/Daily Beast, 17 Sept. 2012. Web. 18 Sept. 2012.

Muslim protesters clash with police over film in Kashmir

Muslim protesters clash with police over film in Kashmir

Resentment towards the united States continues in the Middle East as Islamic protesters fill the streets with violent armor protesting against an Anti-Muslim film produced by an American. American flags and cars were burned and US embassies are being threatened. I believe these protesters have the right to riot against this film that brought an anti religion sentiment. Whatever happened to respecting each other's religion?

Thursday, September 13, 2012

The Jerusalem Controversy


This satirical mini opinion article expresses the ignorance of the people about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict that has been going for decades. Klein also questions about the reference of "God Bless" in the Democratic platform, something in which I also wonder about. Although, his play on words does humor me.

Klein, Joe. "The Jerusalem Controversy." Swampland. TIME, 5 Sept. 2012. Web. 13 Sept. 2012.
This just shows how much the Middle East resent the United States. Almost all of the middle eastern nations are of an Islamic culture and through the decades of United States intervention, the middle east has had enough.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Obama gets a bear hug

It may not have anything to do with politics but I think this short feel good video shows how charismatic and down to earth the president is. It shows that the president does not always have to constantly be serious and professional, but also knows how to have a good laugh and a good time. This is why how he connects with average Joe's like us. I think this is why he is admired by a lot of young people. We are influenced by how a person with a certain power (like the president) carry themselves.

58 cancers receive 9/11 fund coverage

Since tomorrow is the 11th anniversary of 9/11, Federal Health authorities added 58 types of cancer caused by the the toxins from the fallen Twin Towers for treatment. This is an extension of the Zadroga Act that was passed in December 2010. This act gives people who were affected by the hazardous chemicals and debris left by the buildings of 9/11 free treatment. Those individuals include firefighters, first responders and people who lives around the area of the time. I think this was well deserved. There were numerous heroes of the 9/11 who were affected by the harmful dust and debris of the building and it is the government duty to reward them with coverage that would put them back into good health. They do not deserve to be attacked with cancer just because they have contributed and rescued so many people. It is already bad enough many of them are mentally and emotionally affected. They do not need their health to be a major concern.

Staff, CNN Wire, Dominique Debucquoy-Dodley, and Miriam Falco. "58 Cancers Receive 9/11 Fund Coverage." CNN. Cable News Network, 01 Jan. 1970. Web. 10 Sept. 2012.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Words spoken in the Democratic and Republican Convention

Obama's Speech in the Democratic Convention

Romney's Speech in the Republican Convention
By observing the large words on both of the world clouds, it is evident that both candidates have repeated several same words. Both Obama and Romney have Address "America" and "Americans" numerous times. In order to connect with their audience, both candidates mention "jobs", "children", and "family" in order to also appeal to the greater masses. Further, both of their word choices such as "future," and "promise" held a sense of optimism in the tone of their speeches. Other words such as "taxes", "college", "economy" "business" and "economy" was also thrown around in different contexts. Both candidates spoke about similar topics but had opposing views. The only different topic that they addressed was women(Romney) and the individuals serving the military(Obama). Even though, Romney's speech was more focused on business, he constantly repeat the same words over and over again. Whereas Obama's word choice was more diverse. Instead of directly mentioning Romney (as Romney would with Obama), he would refer to him as his "opponent" or his "friend down in Tampa" (refers to the Republican Convention). Overall, both speeches were relatively similar  with similar issues being addressed.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Gay Republicans on Why They are Anti-Obama


This article shows that just because part of the Democratic platform was to legalize same sex marriage, not all homosexuals are in favor of voting for Obama. There are plenty of "Conservative Gays" who would rather vote for a president who believed in fixing the nation's economy rather than promising marriage just so they could wheel in more votes. I find it interesting how there are some gays who believed that they do not not need a signed contract to show that their together but rather look at the bigger picture which is for the good of the country.

Grove, Lloyd. "Gay Republicans on Why They Are Anti-Obama." The Daily Beast. Newsweek/Daily Beast, 05 Sept. 2012. Web. 05 Sept. 2012.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

I find it interesting that there are numerous dates in which Obama and Romney have come so close in the polls and ever since the Republican Convention, Romney has caught up and is almost in deadlock with Obama in the polls.

Public Opinion Project Reflection

I found this project exciting from the beginning. Before taking Government class, I had minimal knowledge about Politics and this project allowed me to learn about the upcoming election through different opinions and point of views. The first five people I interviewed were my great aunts and uncles. These individuals were at least 55 years old and I knew that they were the best people to interview about Politics considering how opinionated and well informed they are. These individuals are also very religious Catholics, very conservative and have an occupation that had something to do with the medical field (nurse, pharmacists,etc). So as you can tell, they are not Democrats nor do they favor Obama because of his Obamacare. It was no surprise that their answers were very similar to each other. They all believed that the nation's economy is the number one issue and that we need more jobs to reduce unemployment and to fuel the economy. I was surprised at how serious they were about tightening welfare benefits. It was fascinating how they all value hard work and dedication to get to where they are in life and they will not allow a majority of "poor" individuals eating up their tax money just because they are "lazy" to work hard. It was also interesting how they answered the "Same Sex Marriage" question. Of course, the do not favor this type of marriage because of their religion, but they absolutely respect gay couples because they have plenty of gay friends. In contrast, when I interviewed my peers, it was no surprise that their views are very liberal considering the same sex marriage issue and the question about religion affecting who to vote for. Overall, the answers that I have received were fairly similar especially about welfare and the economy. There were however some varied answers from questions such as the military budget (yes, because it's too much money or no, we need protection). This experience have made me even more informed about politics than ever before.