Saturday, September 22, 2012

Singapore aims to capture its history, 'messiness' and all

This year marks the 50th Birthday of Singapore. This article does not pertain to any issues in the United States but it surely caught my attention on a personal level. I used to reside in Singapore for about 3 years. I was very young but the memories in that country is still clear. I remember Singapore was the most peaceful and cleanest place that I have ever lived on. The people were civilized and the neighborhoods were as safe as it could be. I remembered on the 38th Birthday of Singapore, they were broadcasting the fireworks and airplanes flying over the national stadium. The country was so small that I could even witness the fireworks and the airplanes from my apartment window. It was a magical time for the young nation. The people of Singapore were predominantly Chinese but it also had a blend of different religions and cultures: Muslims, Hindus, Filipinos, Malaysians, Indians, Christians, etc. Everyone worked together and shared the diversity. In fact, I did not experience racism until I got to the US. The nation was the closest ever to a Utopian society.

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